Annual ring widths in the arctic-alpine dwarf-shrub species Betula Nana — Dataset from long-term alpine ecosystem research in Central Norway (LTAER-NO)
Dendrochronology, wood anatomy, annual growth patternsAbstract
Here we present a Data Paper with microscopically measured data on ring widths of the arctic-alpine dwarf shrub species Betula nana L. from Central Norway. We intend to continuously update the dataset in the future with further ring width measurements of this widespread shrub species.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Eike Corina Albrecht, Svenja Dobbert, Karolis Keturka, Mira Kühnapfel, Loïc Francon, Roland Pape, Dirk Wundram, Jörg Löffler
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.