Introducing a multi-level governance phase framework for event-led urban development formats
event, urban development, multi-level governance, governance capacity, garden showAbstract
Events as urban development formats have been relevant strategies for cities for several decades. They may have diverse economic, political, social and ecological effects on the host cities and are accordingly used in a variety of ways and closely linked to urban development and renewal. Complex processes can be identified in the context of the application, planning, implementation and after-use of an event. Furthermore, the planning of events is subject to an extensive multi-level governance of actor constellations and interactions. Against this background, in this paper we introduce a multi-level governance phase framework for formats of event-led urban development in order to create a better understanding of the structures and processes involved. For this purpose, we first use regional garden shows as a case study, which are event formats with a focus on small and medium-sized cities in Germany and on the (further) development of urban green spaces. We then generalize the framework using the governance capacity concept for events and approaches of event-led urban development. The model is well suited to illustrate the relevance of different actors in the process as well as the complexity of diverse processes that occur in the course of event planning.
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