Die ostsibirische Steppenlandwirtschaft - Neulandgewinnung und ihre ökologische Problematik


  • Norbert Wein




agricultural geography, Siberia, steppes


The island-like steppes in the Chakassija autonomous region agriculturally favoured area of 20,000 km2 in eastern Siberia. Soil and climate conditions offer favourable prerequisites for the cultivation of wheat. During the1950s the programme of reclaiming new land succeeded in increasing the arable acreage of Chakassija from about 345,000 ha to 800,000 ha. The consequence of this large-scale ploughing-up of steppe was a tremendous increase in wind erosion, which led to the degradation of the soils. Besides other measures of soil amelioration in Chakassija panellation was introduced on the pattern of American strip-cropping and succeeded in checking the wind erosion. The intensive crop rotation connected with the strip cultivation led to further stabilisation of agriculture. Today 56 Sovchozen cultivate the agricultural area in a mixed economy of cattle breeding and grain growing. The present industrialisation of Chakassija (construktion of a territorial production complex) will require a further intensification of the farming industry, which is to from the alimentary basis for the growing numbers of the population. The extension of industry, however, will also result in labour problems in agricultural concerns.




How to Cite

Wein, N. (1981). Die ostsibirische Steppenlandwirtschaft - Neulandgewinnung und ihre ökologische Problematik. ERDKUNDE, 35(4), 263–273. https://doi.org/10.3112/erdkunde.1981.04.03


